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Craiglockhart Community Council

Welcome to the Craiglockhart Community Council Website

Who are we?

We are one of the many community councils in Edinburgh who act on behalf of local people to represent their views to try and make their area a better place to live.

Our members are volunteers elected by residents or nominated by local organisations. Our local political representatives (e.g. Ward Councillors) are ex-officio members.  Although they have no vote on the community council, their help and input is highly valued - Council Members

What we do?

Our main purpose is to act as a voice for the Craiglockhart area.

The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 states that Community Councils should “ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the Local Authorities for its area and to public authorities the views of the community which it represents, in relation to matters for which those authorities are responsible.” 

Our chief role is representative: to consult the local community and to put forward its views to the local authority and other organisations including Scottish Government, NHS Lothian and Police Scotland. The local authority, in turn, has a duty to consult community councils on how local services are delivered and other issues affecting their neighbourhoods. Community councils have the right to be consulted on any planning applications in their area and be kept informed about licensing applications.

Representing your views?

To accurately represent the views, wishes and needs of Craiglockhart we have to engage openly with you to establish the views of the community. This engagement can take many forms ranging from public meetings, surveys, social media, newsletters, this website, community events.

E-mail is a simple and effective way of communicating so, if you have not already done so, we would urge you to join our email list. This ensures that we can circulate items of interest and also enables you to let us know about any issues and concerns or give views and feedback. All of this can be done via our Contact Us form.

Scenes of Craiglockhart 

Go to our Gallery page for more views and information
