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Craiglockhart Community Council


The Planning Application Process

This link provides a quick guide to the process. 

At its most basic level, if someone wants to carry out building work they may need planning permission. Where a planning application has been submitted, the Planning Authority of the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) will: (1) publish details of the application on the Planning Authority's website; and (2) tell immediate neighbours that an application has been made via a 'Neighbour Notification' sent through the post.

We are consulted on major planning applications for our area and we provide feedback and comments as appropriate. However, anyone can comment on an application and we would urge you to do so as residents comments do influence the Planning Committee which meets weekly to discuss and decide on applications

After assessing the application, including responses (if any) to the 'Neighbour Notification', the Planning Authority will issue a formal decision notice clearly stating whether permission is 'granted' or 'refused'. Once this decision is taken you need to be aware that:

  • In accordance with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) there is no third party right of appeal against the decision of the planning authority to grant or refuse an application for planning permission. 
  • The only mechanism by which an individual can seek to challenge a decision is through the submission of a judicial review of the application process to the Court of Session.

This expectation is not stated on the 'Neighbour Notification' notice. 

Although the 'Neighbour Notification' notice does set out the online address to view the  plans ( and confirms the window for you to make comments (normally 21 days), the notice does not set out the response options you can register online (i.e. 'object', 'accept' or 'neutral'). 

The above limitations, as well as the absence of reminder or countdown communications, are in the process of being raised with the Planning Authority of CEC. 

The importance and legal significance of the 'Neighbour Notification' cannot be understated. If you receive this notice through the post we would strongly encourage you to review the plans and planning application online and register a response of 'object', 'accept' or 'neutral' within the 21 day deadline. Why? Doing so will enhance community engagement in the planning application process, result in higher response rates for the CEC and ultimately lead to better informed planning decisions by CEC. 

How to View & Comment on a Planning Application

Below are applications which we think are of interest.The first column includes the Application Reference (eg 18/08232/FUL) which is needed to view or comment on any application. 

191 Colinton Road Edinburgh EH14 1BJ - old  house next to tennis courts at Craiglockhart Leisure Centre

Demolish existing bungalow and erect four storey residential development comprising 6 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats with associated access and landscaping, including change of use. 

Planning application was granted early 2024 and site is up for sale for development.

George Watson's College Playing Fields, Myreside Road

Proposed Application for Planning permission 
Not covered by our area but borders it so interesting to know about it.

Redhall House

Erect 2 houses as Enabling Development for the restoration and conversion of Redhall House into 6 Flats Background Info

Westside Motors
19/03380/FUL (previously 16/06275/FUL) 

In Longstone Community Council area but included for information as it is so close to our boundary Background Info

Cross Keys Pub (Lanark Road) 

In Longstone Community Council area but included for information - Proposed development of two 2 bedroom flats & two bed sits. This application was granted by CEC on 28th November.
